
Ragnhildur Katla Jónsdóttir

 Hvað er list?/What is art?

I make pottery and paintings

For me it's an escape. It's a place with no rules where you are allowed to express yourself or just make something that pleases you in any way.

I love colors, nature and patterns.

Check it out! Tell me what you see.



Kópavogur, Iceland

Hver er ég?

Who am I

 I am a psychology student somewhere around the quarter life crisis, with a lot of ideas. I started painting in high school and have been playing with clay since 2018. It is still just a hobby but my dream is to make it more than that. 

I love to show people my work, so be my guest and look around.


Prices are according to size

They come in all shapes and sizes


Ég nýt þess að leira og finnst ekki síður gaman að vinna útfrá hugmyndum annarra

Hvað sem er

eru einhverjar reglur?

Akrýl á striga

allar stærðir og gerðir. 

Hvað sérð þú?

mosa, lauf, lyng, tré, kóral eða bara eitthvað allt, allt annað

"Að búa til vefsíðu var auðveldara en ég hélt"

— Ragnhildur þegar hún bjó til vefsíðu